Get to Know about the Neoprene Rubber Sheets

Chemicals like Zinc Oxide, MBTS, Sulphur, Titanium, and TMT are the ingredients involved for Rubber Processing. Using Rubber processing machinery, all these ingredients like Minerals like Carbon, Calcium Carbonate and Rubber Processing Oil are mixed together. Cooling conditioner, Kneader machine, Ban-bury mixture, calendaring machine, mixing mills, hydraulic press, extrude machine & roto-cure are the required machines. Namely Synthetic and Natural, there are two types of Rubber available. After processing of milk type of material licking from the rubber tree, called Latex, Natural rubber is derived from Rubber Tree. A neoprene rubber sheet is heat resistant and is hydrocarbons, Acid, resistant to Oil, and Alkalies. Manufactured with the addition of certain chemicals & using content derived from crude oil, Synthetic Rubber is a petroleum-based product. This is done by means of Industrial application. Available in the market like Silicone, Chloroprene ...